The Golden Girl sparring and tech camp

In 13-15 september it´s time for The Golden Girl sparring and tech camp with the two-time reigning GOLDEN GIRL; Madeleine Angelsen and her trainer, Geir Vestvik.

e-mail: or PM here. You can also call +46735-945411
For closeby accomodation: +46 (0)709167834
Enter now, only 100 spots. Make sure you will be one of them.
Most welcome!

The camp will be held in Lyckehallen, Kinna this year, only 30 km from
Landvetter airport.
The camp will be held in september 13-15, 2024
ENTER here:

The camp cost 500 SEK each boxer (approx 50 euro)
Meals and accomodation is something the participants has to manage them
selfes, however we will help out with where to shop, restaurants etc and
you will find a lot of good links further down, who to contact for
accomodation of course.

You need to bring equipment for indoor and outdoor training,
boxingequipment such as sparringgloves, headgear, mouthpiece(

Entryfee swedish participants: 500 SEK betalas in på BK Rebells
bankgiro: 472-2880 
Entryfee : 500 SEK Shall be made to our bankaccount
IBAN: SE82 9500 0099 6026 0534 6077

Account holder:
BK Rebell. Adress: Fredsgatan 4, 51561 Svaneholm, Sweden
Please mark your payment with your boxers name or clubname.


  • Comfort Hotel Jazz: +4633100020, e-mail: 30 km from camp.
    Hardfloor at nearby school, only 8 euro/person and night
  • Kinna Hostel: +46(0)709167834, 500 meters from venue
  • Kinna Vandrarhem + ( 500 meters from venue
  • Lydde Gård | Tygrikets egna Gårdshotell (
  • More hostels etc. Click here.

”The Golden Girl Sparring and Tech Camp”
This time the camp will aim on only technique and sparring so you have
to be use to spar and headgear and mouthpiece is a must:
We will also have seminars for the boxers.

The camp will take place in Lyckehallen, Lyckeskolan, Kinna.
It is only open for 100 boxers
You don´t want to miss this one.

Any questions? Please contact Ray Husac


17.30: All participants meet up at the sportshall, Lyckehallen, Kinna
Gästgivaregatan 7, Skjutsgatan 7, Kinna
18.00-19.30: Session 1.

07.30 - 08.30 Session 1
08.30 – 09.30 Breakfast
10.00 -12.00 Sugar Rays 14 - Teammatches, competition. at Cage-padelzone, Fritslavägen 34, Kinna.
12.00 - 13.00 Lunch
13.30 – 15.00 Session 2.
15.00 - 16.00 Q and A with Geir and Madeleine, reigning Golden Girl
16.00 -17.30 Session 3.

07.30 - 08.30 Session 1
08.30 – 09.30 Breakfast
10.00 – 12.00 Session 2 

Landvetter Airport 35 minutes from Skene.

If you need any more information, please contact us at:
Ray Husac

When: September 13-15  2024.
Where: Lyckehallen, Lyckeskolan, Skjutsgatan 7, Kinna. Sweden

Very welcome
Ray Husac
The Golden Girl Sparring and tech camp