

Hotels an accomodation

We work together with these hotels in Borås to get the best prices for you, that hotel is:

Breakfast included. Code: GOLDEN GIRL
Contact the hotel directly to get discount price.

Note: Do NOT use any bookingsites, if you do, you won´t get these prices, please contact them directly or use this link:
Phone: +46 33 799 45 00


HOSTELS AND CABINS: Very good prices!
Contact them by phone or mail and use the code: Golden Girl
Borås Djurpark & Camping AB
Tel vxl: 033-430 48 00
Tel dirl: 033-430 48 35

Solhem Park Hotel
Start - Hotell Solhem Park

Vendelsbergsgatan 42
504 55 Borås

The reception is open:
Monday-Friday 06.30-22.00
Saturday  – Sunday 07.00-20.00

Phone: +46 (0) 33 – 100 110

There are several other hotels but we do not have any exclusive prices with them:

There are other hotels as well:

Scandic Plaza Hotel:


Grand Hotel:
Quality Hotel Grand Borås. Most exclusive hotel in the city, 5 minute walk from venue
Tfn: +46 (0)33 799 00 19|
Hallbergsplatsen 2| SE-503 30 Borås


Hostels, bed and breakfasts, etc:;label=stop-at-the-cross-z6vrwisfuyi6w2bupgqfows54413602355:pl:ta:p1:p2:ac:


outside Borås: 20 km from the venue.

Hostel and or  bed and breakfast:

30 km from Borås: (Ordinary local buses are available)


Hotels outside Borås:    30 km from the venue local buses easiest way to venue 40 km from Borås. At the airport local buses easiest way to venue 40 km from Borås local buses easiest way to venue 40 km from borås local buses easiest way to venue


Hard Floor
For hard floor accommodation at the venue please contact for further information. Only 80 SEK ( 8 euro) /person.

If you have any questions about Borås and/or accommodation in Borås, please do not hesitate to contact Borås Tourist Center, +46 33 35 70 90 or 


How to get to Borås

Arriving by bus or train

The centraly located central station and bus terminal connects Borås to the rest of Sweden by both bus and train. The close proximity to the University as well as to most student accommodation makes it a convenient way to travel to Borås. Keep in mind that on most buses and trains it is necessary to puchase tickes before boarding.

Arriving at Göteborg Landvetter airport


We work together with the best taxicompany in Borås, IZIGO taxi, you will find them at:

It is better to book in advance. The fare is about 800 SEK and takes about 30 minutes.

Izigo: +46 (0) 33 123 123. 



There are currently three direct buses between the airport and central Borås with departures several times a day; Nettbus, Flixbus and Landvetterexpressen. Tickets can be bought online at the company website or at the Information desk at the airport. Note that tickets for flixbus and Nettbus have to be purchased before boarding the bus. (external link) (external link) (external link).

Arlanda Airport

Göteborg Landvetter Airport is located much closer to Borås than Arlanda, we therefor recommend booking a flight here if possible.

To get to Borås from Arlanda Airport one first have to take Arlanda Express to Stockholm central station and and then take the train or the bus from Stockholm to Borås, which takes several hours. Arlanda Express departures every 20 minutes from Arlanda Airport to Stockholm Central Station. You can buy a ticket at the information desk at the airport or in the self-service machines. From Stockholm Central Station, you either take the train to Borås with SJ (external link) or go to the nearby Cityterminalen and take the bus. Flixbus (external link) goes directly from Arlanda to Borås and is the cheapest alternatives of the bus companies.

Buying bus tickets in Borås

Local and regional public transportation is run by Västtrafik. Tickets can be bought at the Västtrafik service centre located at “Resecentrum” opposite the Central Station, or in most convenience stores. You can buy single tickets, top-up cards or monthly cards with unlimited use. It is possible to buy single rides on the bus, but please note that you cannot pay with cash, only credit cards (Visa, Maestro, Mastercard) and Swedish debit cards. If you have a Swedish cell phone operator, you can download an app to buy bus tickets. For information about timetables and prices, visit (external link)

Download invitation

You can download the official invitation here